
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The bread provided. Some words of reflection by Gerald Heard

Some words of reflection to begin the new year. By Gerald Heard. From Dialogue in the Desert. New York, 1942

But if bread was to have been provided, birds would have brought it –an angel fetched it.
You must demand it –be importunate. You’ve the right to command. It won’t happen unless you do. The People were fed magically in the wilderness. You’ve an equal right to the same provision. Indeed this is just a test case to sep what you are made of.
You know why you are here. The ordinary life wouldn’t do for you. Getting and spending they lay waste their powers. That’s not the way for spiritual aristocrats. Your family is naturally aloof. You belong to the desert where you walk apart from man and with God. You’re here frankly and cleary –(Now you sep your mind is clear) to see whether that meeting is to be kept. God will not fail you, for you know quite clearly that you are His Son and a father doesn’t give his son earth when he asks bread –or let him, when he’s deadbeat with starvation, fancy he sees a loaf only to find it a stone- it would be a shabby trick even for a cad to play on his cub.

Murillo´s painting of the infant Christ distributing bread. From

Henry Fitzgerald Heard commonly called Gerald Heard (October 6, 1889 - August 14, 1971) was an historian, science writer, educator, and philosopher. He wrote many articles and over 35 books.
Heard was a guide and mentor to numerous well-known Americans, including Clare Boothe Luce and Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, in the 1950s and 1960s. His work was a forerunner of, and influence on, the consciousness development movement that has spread in the Western world since the 1960s.


  1. Sabias palabras, hay que buscar siempre lo sencillo, que es lo que realmente vale. Feliz 2012

  2. Myriam, con sencillez, te deseo un constructivo año 2012.

    Abrazos en primer plano.
    Sergio Astorga

  3. Muchas gracias SErgio! Un excelente 2012 para t'i también! Un beso,
