
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sentimentality on death. Some words from Charles Dickens

Some days are incredible and you wish you´d lay in bed all day long. Surprinsingly, I´ve received a phone call, two persons in my family were dead, on the very same day. I won´t be present in the ceremonies, but I accompany them with my heart. 
Here, from Charles Dickens, ¨The Old Curiosity Shop¨, chapter 71:
¨For she was dead. There, upon her little bed, she lay at rest. The solemns stillness was no marvel now. She was dead. No sleep so beautiful and calm, so free from trace of pain, so fair to look upon. She seemed a creature fresh from the hand of God, and waiting for the breath of life; not one who had lived and suffered death. 
Her coach was dressed withe hera and there some winter berries and green leaves, gathered in a spot she had been used to favor. ¨When I die, put near me something that has loved the light, and had the sky above it always.¨ Those were her words.
She was dead. Dear, gentle, patient, noble Nell was dead. Her little bird -a poor  slight thing the pressure of a finger would have crushed- was stirring nimbly in its cage; and the strong heart of its child-mistress was mute and motionless for ever.¨

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